Good morning or afternoon and welcome.
About us. These pages contain some of the more technical stuff about the company. Its not greatly interesting, but its here for your information and consideration.
Since the introduction of the new data protection regulations, GDPR, that have been tormenting us all wherever we turn, this page has become more important.
Here is a link to the company Privacy Policy and Consent Form. Please download and read at your convenience. However we will cover this at the arrangement interview, and you will be given a copy.
Nothing worse that going into anywhere, least of all a funeral directors, and being met by a miserable face. When you visit we will probably force feed you tea or coffee for the duration. You can have brandy in it too, or just the brandy if you like! It does sometimes come in handy when you visit the chapel of rest.
We operate 24hours a day so if you’re in the need of a chat, just call.