Non traditional coffins

Non traditional coffins

Hello and welcome to a selection of very different coffins!

Below you will find a selection of the more unusual coffins available now. Everything from the slightly ugly cardboard, the very beautiful willow to painted Union Jack or any other flag.

I will add more over the coming weeks, and if you want anything not currently shown here, just come and see me!


Ever heard of Pandanus

The Pandanus Round coffin is rounded at both ends and tapers gently down its length. It comes in a range of sizes.

Pandanus or wild pineapple is an environmentally friendly alternative to seagrass. Seagrass is an aquatic plant which grows in shallow coastal waters and provides shelter for many species of nursery fish. When this is harvested, the habitat is destroyed and the fish are endangered. Pandanus, on the other hand, is a prolific and rapidly growing weed which thrives anywhere on land, even in adverse conditions. When woven it is almost indistinguishable from seagrass.

The Willow coffin

The Willow Eco coffin is a beautifully curved and uniquely shaped coffin and comes in a range of sizes.

This is a beautiful willow coffin. The colour show here is pretty much as it comes. Flowers can be woven into the coffin, and you could even do this yourself on our premises.

Bamboo Lattice round

Now this is an attractive coffin. The different textures make it easy on the eye, and very popular. These are made in the far east so if your are concerned about airmiles this is not the one for you!

The White Cardboard Coffin

The cardboard coffin. I hate this. I know you will be saying “if I want one I’ll have one” which I have to say is quite right. And we do use them from time to time. I still hate them. I do add my normal profit margin to the cost of the coffin so they are NOT cheap alternatives. Just have the Newcastle!

 Natural Wool

And why not you would ask. I would have to say I agree with you, but to date I have not had the good fortune to be able to supply one!

As you can see fro the pictures they have attracted attention from all the right places.

Please let me get one, for your loved one.

HRH Prince Charles has at least seen them, but I am not convinced he will have one himself.

And it was all made here in the UK by sheep grazing across the country.

Then to be completely natural, you could supply a wool blanket, which you can embroider a poem on, or paste some pretty felt flowers on like this.


Painted coffins of every description!

I have to admit that these are extremely well produced, and amazingly beautiful coffins. Again different things to different people. There are so many possibilities here that it is impossible to show them all. They will make anything to order too. You get a full colour proof before the coffin is manufactured, so its very easy to get it just right.
This is, as I say, a small selection. Pop into the office for a look at the full brochure. Or better still go to